It’s the first sea day (of two) on the cruise and we’re ready for a day of relaxation.
Sea Day Morning
We woke around 6 am and headed for coffee in the Windjammer. Once the coffee shop opened I got my morning latte.

We had breakfast in the Windjammer and then headed to the pool. We got settled there shortly before 9 am and had our pick of chairs but it was filled by 11 am.
We enjoyed the sun, jacuzzis and pool until I left at noon to get ready for dining room lunch.

Steve stayed at the pool for the rest of the day and grabbed a burger in the Windjammer.
Sea Day Afternoon
I love main dining room lunch and today’s menu had some good options.

My starter was cream of chicken soup.
The entree of Singapore noodles was very good. It’s nice to get food that actually is a little spicy on a cruise ship.
For dessert I had the sugar free dessert which was described to me as coffee cake but certainly wasn’t.
Whatever it was, it was good.
When I got back to the cabin, I had a notice that the cruisecritic meet and greet was at 4;30 pm instead of 3 pm.
Much better time as I could take a nap! After napping I went to the event and sat with four of our tourmates from yesterday; Joel and Julie and Lloyd and Nancy. It was enjoyable but I didn’t win any of the prizes in the drawing.
Sea Day Evening
Before I knew it it was time to get ready for our elegant night. Steve skipped the main dining room after too much sun so I went solo. He was the only one missing although the one couple was very late as usual.

It was a disappointing menu for elegant night. The french onion soup wasn’t as good as it looks.
There were maybe two strands of onion although the broth was tasty. I also had a shrimp cocktail.
My main entree was the always available spaghetti Bolgonese which tells you what I thought of the menu.
The four cheese ravioli did look good as someone else had that.
For dessert I went with the chocolate soufflé.
After leaving the dining room I had a drink at the schooner bar (spiced daiquiri) before heading to the showroom for the production show “City of Dreams”.

The show was entertaining and the singers for the most part were good.

Before heading to the cabin I stopped by the coffee shop for a hot chocolate. In our cabin, I found the laundry special ($10 off a bag).
There was also a notice of missing luggage.
We seem to get one of these every cruise. I feel bad for the people missing a suitcase as I know what that’s like.
Here’s today’s daily compass (click for the full PDF).
The daily offers (click for the full PDF).
We also got a next cruise offer sheet. They had these often although I didn’t scan them all with various regions highlighted each time.
If you missed the other parts of the recap the links are below.
Next Vacation: Greek Isles Cruise
Port Plans for Greek Isles Cruise
Jewel of the Seas: Pre-Cruise Travel Day
Jewel of the Seas: Italy at Last
Hotel San Giorgio
Pre-Cruise Day in Civitavecchia
Jewel of the Seas: Embarkation
Jewel of the Seas: Messina, Savoca and Castelmola
Jewel of the Seas: Taormina and Messina
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