As this year wraps up I’m taking a look at the goals I set on New Year’s Day 2018 for the last time before setting new goals for this coming year. Each quarter I posted status updates to keep them in mind.
Some it took me half a year before I got it together (weight loss) and others I never did quite achieve (spending). Let’s take a look at the final results.
Weight Loss – Grade: A. Starting a keto diet on June 14th was the best thing I did all year. I lost 26 pounds as of this writing, many inches, arthritis pain, plantar fasciitis, high triglycerides and more. I will keep this goal into 2019 as I have 50 more pounds to lose and at least one medication. 🙂
Exercise – Grade I. This is no longer a goal or measure I want to track. I am wearing my apple watch most days which tracks my steps and continually try to improve in this area.
Hobbies – Grade A. This was a success as I not only met my reading goal of 25 books but ended the year with 30 listed. Book club and blogging have been going well. I’m on track to meet my goal of 25 books read this year. Check out the list here.
Roth IRA – Grade A. I diverted my Roth IRA contributions from the past two months to invest in HealCare’s ICO (initial coin offering). Since I invested the money I would say this is still a winning grade.
401K – Grade A. I maxed out my 401K including the catch up amount. This is now autopilot and I’ve set up the amounts for next year already so I’ll not include this in 2019 as a goal.
Spending – Grade F. We had a lot of large expenses this summer and most of them were unexpected. Our air conditioner went kaput, our cat became ill, our daughter passed away, and our last kids cruise had crazy airfare (Thanksgiving week). To finish the year off our dog had another cyst removal last week which followed a lot of pre-surgery testing. All of this adds up to approximately $12,000 dollars on top of planned expenses. This is definitely something to keep working on in 2019.
We had a lot of trips this year including one to Cancun that wasn’t a goal but turned out to be a really great week. That doesn’t even include all the business travel I did!
Greek Isles Cruise – Complete. We had a wonderful trip in May to Italy and Greece. Booking the cruise early was the secret to keeping travel costs down here.

Grandkids Visit – Complete. We enjoyed visiting the two youngest grandsons (the older grandsons are adults) this year. I think I was able to visit my son’s son three times thanks to business trips in the area and one non-business one.
We’re going to get to meet Ember in 2019. She’s the newest grandchild and a real cutie!
Kids Cruise – Complete. This was a Thanksgiving week cruise with DS and his fiancee. We had a wonderful cruise which I’ll continue recapping in January posts. It completed our goal of taking all five adult children on cruises.
Overall I am satisfied with how I met my goals but frustrated with the one failure. How did you do with your 2018 goals?
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