I woke up early and was checking my phone when Sister T came back to the room. She said it was pouring rain outside. Never heard it! Good thing it’s another sea day on the Carnival Horizon.
Morning at Sea
Coffee was bad lido java followed by an americano when the java café opened. Met up with Sister T for sea day brunch and checked in when it opened.
We started with our complimentary cocktails we get as Platinum level guests.
Sister T had the French toast and cheesy grits.
I had an omelet with brunch potatoes and the flakiest croissants.
Apparently they have the large ones on sea day brunch and the little ones on port days.
Then I went by the fun shops for the mimosa event and had another one before heading to the main showroom for the morning show with cruise director Donkey.
He said the outdoor Halloween events would be postponed until later in the cruise. I also went to the casino and got my free play. Spent an hour or so playing it and ended my morning up $5. This was followed by wasting an hour of my life at the shopping talk.
Afternoon at Sea
Lunch was at the complimentary BBQ place.
I got lucky and was able to get it between rain showers. When others came out it was pouring and the line to get your food is uncovered. The food was good just not warm enough. Tried to get gelato upstirs but it wasn’t hard enough (that machine must have an issue or they need another one because of demand). I did have a cheese cake.
On the way back to the cabin I picked up the other platinum gifts (ship pin, luggage tag and giant bottle of water). Before leaving the room again for the evening I prepared a laundry bag to be picked up by the room steward when he did the evening service.
Evening at Sea
At the Alchemy bar I had a cucumber sunrise before sister T came by for us to go to the dining room.
Sister T in the atrium with Patch.
Sadly I forgot to get a picture of the menu. I started with the lentil something soup.
Spring rolls followed.
My entrée was the veal parmesan.
Everything was very good. I topped it off with a decaf coffee and half frozen cheesecake.
I should mention the meal started with warm bread. Never did get that on the Vista. :} Service was good and quick. We chatted a bit with the couples to the side of us. All in all a great experience. Our waiter, Ramu, did card tricks.
I listened to the performance in the atrium before heading to the showroom. I sat on the side this time which had more comfortable seating.

The show wasn’t my favorite because of the older songs but the performers were excellent.
Then I headed straight to the comedy club (along with hundreds of my friends) and found a seat. Virtually every one was taken before comedian Jose S. took the stage. He had some funny stuff. I don’t know why adult shows have to be SOOO adult.
Then it was back to the cabin. The weather ended up being terrible all day. There was a brief power outage (after the Facebook outage) in the rear of the ship. This guy was waiting for us.
Click on the image for the full PDF of today’s activities.
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