Sister T. and I had signed up for the Green Eggs & Ham breakfast (also known as the Dr. Seuss breakfast) on embarkation day. Finally after all the amazing ports and on our last sea day it was time.
There was the potential for two breakfasts depending on demand and we had signed up for the earlier one. This cruise with so few children (and apparently not many childish adults 🙂 ) resulted in one seating at 9 a.m.
We got there a bit early and I posed in the cutout. For some reason T. would not join me!
The hard point was getting back up; I’m just not as young as I feel. We got checked in and started admiring the decorated dining room.
This display was at the front of the dining room. I loved the cat in the hat ice sculpture.
We were at a table for six that was all adults.
We perused the menu although I knew I had to try the signature item… green eggs and ham.

We had three character visits plus one song/dance throughout the meal. Everyone present could have their picture taken with the characters and get their autograph (stamp). They gave us “kids” activity books that included a spot for the autographs.
The food started coming out too. The table had a pastry basket.
We didn’t order parfaits but I heard they weren’t very good.
A little boy at the next table ordered Horton’s cereal-crusted french toast and let me take a picture.
Sister T. had the waffles.
Finally, we have the green eggs and ham!
I had my picture taken throughout the meal. First with the things.
Then with Sam I am.
Followed by the star, The Cat in the Hat.
My last photo was reserved for my sister!
It was fun and I’d definitely go again; I just will order something else. Here’s a video with the song.
My boys are ages 10 and 11. Do you think they’d like this breakfast, or is it too little kid-like?
Hi Lisa,
Sorry, I’m not sure how boys of that age would like it. Probably not, but there were lots of adults there that thoroughly enjoyed it.