Happy Father’s Day to all those dads out there. Celebrations will be different but no less heartfelt. My dad has been gone for nearly 19 years; it feels like yesterday.
That’s my dad above with me and my sisters and brother at Christmas in the mid 60’s. I’m the older one rocking the headband and was daddy’s girl. He’s very much in my thoughts today.
Today also marks that we made it through 14 weeks of #stayathome practices. San Diego county where I live already required face masks just about everywhere (unless you’re outside in your own household group socially distanced). Now because our case numbers are going up statewide, the governor has made it mandatory for the entire state.
My Week in Review
My employer is having a friendly coast to coast challenge where teams (up to 10) work to make 3000 or so miles in seven months. That has gotten me out there walking which should make my doctor happy.
I started out at 1/2 mile and worked my way up to 3/4 mile this past week. My goal is to get to 150 minutes or more of walking each week.
I enjoy looking at the flowers in bloom this time of year. Lots of blue, red and white!
Medical Issue
One of my knees has been pretty painful for about 3 weeks now. I didn’t do anything; woke up one morning with it sore. After two weeks, I made an appointment with my primary care and saw her via a virtual visit Tuesday. The hardest part was showing her mine knee with the iPad. My case was covering the camera but I got there.
The diagnosis for now is patellar tendonitis and she prescribed exercises, heat and local pain cream. I’m hoping it will resolve.
This week’s shopping included an online order of heating pad and Aspercreme for my knee issue. I also am trying a keto meal delivery business and got some frozen meals that came Friday. We did this week’s Ralph’s order via pickup. I really like the convenience while my husband still prefers to walk around inside a store.
He is doing just that for things he likes at Walmart and Vons but without me.
This Coming Week
One of my sisters is celebrating her birthday this week; card and gift already on their way. Friday both our pets have appointments; the dog is getting a bath and nail trim while the cat is getting a checkup with vaccinations. I think Charger came out on the lucky end of that!
Otherwise not much going on with us although if it warms up enough I might venture to the pool. How was your week?
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