All too soon the alarm went off and it was Day 3 of Fitbloggin’ 15.
Denise and I met at 6 am for a 3 mile walk in Downtown Denver. The river walk was still pretty wet from the rain the previous days. Downtown is so beautiful.
The art piece above is by the Denver Public Library and is titled “The Yearling”.
The state capitol was beautiful in the morning sun. Afterwards we both got cleaned up for the roof-top yoga sponsored by Silk.
I took a selfie and enjoyed the view before the class started.

You can see my bright pink shirt in the middle of the photo above. There were two instructors with one directing us and both providing adjustments and help with the poses.
All too soon the class was over! We got to keep the blue yoga mats provided by Silk. Alas, I wasn’t able to fit it in my suitcase and found a good home for it with another Fitblogger.
Everyone was ready for breakfast at this point and I ran to get a plate of food to take into the first session. I attended Mind Games: Depression, Anxiety and Healthy Living which was led by Steph Oxenford and Liz Paul. I swear there’s no attending a Liz session without tears involved (said with love).
It was a great session and they even gave us a reminder token which was really sweet.
Next I went to PostureFit session where we learned how to use the PostureFit bar. The bar (previously marketed as postursizer) is a small, nine pound piece of equipment that can have a lot of benefit. The video explains more in only a minute!
All of us received our own bar to take home. After a busy morning it was time for a break (which means snacks).
The California Avocado Commission had these cute cucumber slices filled with guacamole.
The break was sponsored by Yulu and Horizon which are two brands in the Silk family. It was the first time I tried Yulu yogurt and it was very tasty!
Next on the agenda was attending a luncheon hosted by the California Avocado Commission. I’ll recap lunch in a separate post tomorrow (otherwise this would be an neverending post!)
At 2:30 I attended a panel discussion “Finding the Medium Between XS and XL: Exploring the Controversy Between Fat and Skinny Shaming” which was facilitated by Jackelyn Ho with panelists Carla Birnberg, Kia Ruiz , Sarah Bramblette and Martha Koeskie.
Next was the break where we again had chips and guacamole. Believe it or not I could eat again after that big lunch! Unfortunately, the agenda had the starting time wrong for the next session so I walked into “The Importance of Good Blog Design” session 30 minutes late. I still got a couple of good tips.
There was a break before the evening event so I went to dinner with Denise and her husband at Earls Kitchen & Bar.
My first steak came out over cooked so the manager had it replaced while I ate my side dishes. Those mashed potatoes were so good! Once I got the properly cooked steak, it was very tasty as well.
Not only did the manager promptly get me a new steak, she also comped our table two desserts which we enjoyed very much!
I skipped the evening event, which I heard was very fun, and spent time in my room relaxing and getting to bed early. I never did sleep well in Denver and it was catching up with me.
If you missed the first two parts of my Fitbloggin ’15 recap read Thursday and Friday for more pictures and fun.
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