The post about my top five Keto Youtube channels is still popular after nearly two years. Many people have started sharing their Keto lifestyle since then and my tastes have changed as well.
While I still watch some of the channels in my last post, here are my current top five favorite youtubers. What the first four channels have in common is relatability. Three of those four have creaters who have lost a great deal of weight on this lifestyle.
These two factors make them inspirational and feel like friends.
2 Krazy Ketos
Joe and Rachel are the 2 Krazy Ketos who are putting out videos five days a week! What I love about their channel is it’s exactly the kind of information I want along by people I can relate to. As they say on their website “We’re not doctors. We’re not bodybuilders. And, we’re not youngsters.”
Some of their videos get a little long for my attention span but I can always come back. I especially appreciate their honest review of products which saves me from wasting money on food I won’t eat.
P.S. I met this couple in real life at KetCon last year and they are just as wonderful in real life. P.S. Rachel gives great hugs!
KetoGinja is vlogger Amanda who’s lost over 120 pounds while following a ketogenic diet.
Her zest for life and straight talk keep me coming back for more. Amanda has self-published a cookbook, Fat Keto, available on Amazon Kindle or Etsy with family friendly recipes on top of all the ones on her channel!
CJs Keto Kitchen
CJ and Sarah are the creators of CJ’s Keto Kitchen. I first started watching them for Keto Krate reviews and then found they publish a lot of great recipes on top of weekly conversations.
This is another down to earth couple like Joe and Rachel with a twist. They are newlyweds who eloped after COVID-19 postponed their wedding ceremony.
Serious Keto
I really like the no-nonsense, informative style of Steve, the vlogger behind Serious Keto.
He has great recipes and limited product reviews without trying to get you to buy certain brands because of an affiliate relationship. This channel is a recent find so I have a lot of previously published content to catch up on.
Diet Doctor
Diet Doctor is very different from the other Youtube channels on this list. First of all, it was established eons ago in terms of keto/low carb time. Plus it’s got a corporate feel with very professional videos and scripts. Having said that, there’s a ton of great content that is free to all.
The founder, Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt, started with a website in Sweden, before expanding to English in 2011. It makes sense there’s scientific information with a physician leader, but then there’s great, easy recipes and cooking tips. My favorite keto cookbook author, Kristie Sullivan, is now part of the team contributing recipes and more.
Who are your favorite keto vloggers, bloggers or authors?
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