It’s been a while since the last Five Things Friday so I’d thought we’d catch up. Here’s what’s been happening around my house.
Internet Connection
I didn’t post much last week thanks to technical issues which interrupted the best laid plans. It all started with my attempt to save money on my bill for cable internet. When I signed up for it a couple of years ago the modem was included until it wasn’t. The rental price recently jumped to $6.99 a month which was just enough for me to go buy our own.
It worked horribly! If two or more devices accessed the internet at the same time we were brought to a crawling pace at best. Then I found out the modem was no longer supported by vendor even though it was on the cable company’s list of approved devices and sold by Amazon.
I bought a different one which was highly rated and we are now back to normal. It’s amazing how a slow internet connection was so disruptive but I’m glad we’re back to normal.
Enterprise Rental Car
Last weekend I traveled to Kansas to visit family. I decided to start charging my cell phone before leaving the rental car agency so I wouldn’t be on the road with a dead phone. It was then I realized the white cord I packed was the Kindle USB cord, not the iPhone cord. The representative showing me how the car worked immediately volunteered to lend me his personal cord if I could return it Monday when dropping off the car.
Words can’t express who grateful I am for his kindness (and yes I returned the cord). I am now an Enterprise fan thanks to their awesome customer service and one employee who went above and beyond.
Root Canal
I had the second part of my root canal done today (appointment number four for this tooth in the past month). It went smoothly and I’ll get the “permanent filling” next week at my regular dentist’s office. It’s really only permanent until next year when I have more benefits to replace the crown.
I’m a proscrastinator so waited until the last possible day to prepare and file our tax returns. Fortunately, they’re pretty simple now that we don’t have enough to itemize. We had to pay a bit in Federal taxes and got back 2/3 of the same amount from the state.
Exercise Routine
With everything going on the past month, I haven’t’ been on my regular routine. Things should be settling down now and you will see the return of Workout Wednesday next week.
What’s been going on with you this week?
Only in Kansas would a total stranger loan you the charging cord for their phone; I miss the Land of Ahhhs. 🙂