This is a recap of our evening at Nieuw Amsterdam’s Pinnacle Grill specialty restaurant. We dined there the first night of our seven night Western Caribbean Thanksgiving sailing. We decided to have a pre-dinner drink at the Pinnacle Bar. YS and SF joined us and by the time our drinks arrived it was time to check in for our 6 pm reservation. (There was only the bartender.)
We were seated at a table for four by the window. Our waiter, Rudi, introduced himself and gave us menus.

It’s always a hard choice but we placed our orders and Rudi brought us the amuse bouche which was lobster foam flan with fennel.
It’s not much to look at but very good! We also got bread and butter before the first appetizers were served.
We all ordered jumbo shrimp cocktail which was delicious.
Steve and YS had Caesar salads next while SF selected crab cakes. The last appetizers were lobster bisque for me and hubby.
It was all wonderful and we had pleasant conversation while waiting for our entrees (and maybe another round of beverages were ordered).
SF had the halibut with shrimp scampi for her entrée and it looked very good. YS went with the New York strip while my husband and I went with the ribeye.
For sides we had baby carrots, Brussels sprouts with pancetta and the two men had baked potatoes with toppings. Even though we had already had a great meal, there was still room for dessert. Rudi brought petit fours while we decided.
I had the cheese plate, the two men had volcano cake and SF had baked Alaska.
It was a great way to start off the cruise and I’m looking forward to repeating the experience during my birthday cruise.
What could be better than spending dinner talking and laughing for two hours with 25% off. 🙂
Don’t miss my previous post on this trip:
Next Vacation: Nieuw Amsterdam
Pre-Cruise Travel
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