We’re in Cozumel today on Symphony of the Seas. We haven’t been here together since we came with our youngest son and his wife in 2018.
Cozumel Morning
Today we have reservations at Nachi Cocum. I’m looking forward to the day there.
We were up early and went to the promenade cafe for coffee. Breakfast was in the main dining room when it opened at 7:30. I had eggs benedict but found tasteless and the english muffin was very hard to cut through. Even the pastry was not quite right. I ordered a chocolate croissant and it was a regular croissant with a drizzle of chocolate across the top. Not what I was expecting.
Since breakfast wasn’t good I went by Park cafe afterwards and got an egg ham and cheese sandwich and some fruit. I took the first bite of my sandwich and egg yolk squirted all over – it was in my hair, on my arm and on the table.
Neverthe less the sandwich tasted good. That was the first of several weird things today. After breakfast we got ready and left the ship by 8:35.
The Apex is next to us and was already letting passengers off when we got ready. Other ships in port are Carnival Paradise, Carnival Valor, Aida and we saw a couple of othes I never did get the names.
We navigated through the port area easier than in Costa Maya (also much shorter dock) and passed the dog check for contraband. It was quick to get in a taxi and be on our way to the beach club.
Nachi Cocum
When we got there we checked in and were taken to a beachfront palapa with two loungers and two little tables to the far left. Just one palapa to the left of us.
We really enjoyed it and Manuel kept the drinks coming.
Then six younger women were shown to the palapa to our right (which originally had four loungers). As you can imagine our peace was gone then. They were nice but loud AND brought a portable speaker blasting music that wasn’t our taste.
We had some chips and guacamole at our table and about 11:40 or so went to lunch in the dining area.
We shared another order of guacamole with chips and Steve had the grilled shrimp while I had the breaded shrimp.
His was better!
I subbed fries for the rice and veg.
We then moved to the pool.
The water was too cool for my taste but I did enjoy the hot tub. We ended up leaving shortly after the shade left our pool side lounger around 1:30 or so.
It was an enjoyable day and we tipped Manuel as he put us in a taxi. Oh and we bought a photo!!!
Cozumel Afternoon
We found an even quicker route to get to the ship and went through security at the port. . Oh my, the screener made Steve take off his watch when he set off the alarm even though I told her he had his knee replaced. Then they scanned him after it went off again. Ai, ai , ai.
Once onbard we went straight to windjammer for some dessert. I had coconut cookies.
Then we had a nap. I woke when the alarm went off and we got cleaned up for dinner. Steve went ahead to the schooner bar ahead of me and I met him there when ready.
Cozumel Evening
I had a drinks and then we went to the main dining room. Our table neighbors noticed Steve had his shirt inside out! We all had a big laugh about that.
Tonight was mexican night although I ended up crossing cultures.
We both started with shrimp cocktail.
My next starter was poblano soup.
Steve ordered the pork enchiladas for entree and I ordered the butter chicken.

When the entrees were delivered Steve’s didn’t come. They started delivering food at other tables. Fortunately, the manager came by and I asked her and she made sure it came.
That was wierd thing number 2. Then wierd thing number 3 was the server spilling my glass of water all over the table and onto the carpet when clearing our table. Then we got our desserts and were done when she remembered that she forgot our coffee. Hah!

We got it and since the show wasn’t until 8 pm actually didn’t have to rush. The meal was pretty good and we had a great day.
Went to the cabin for a few minutes in between dinner and the show and the daily compass was in spanish.
The room steward was still servicing cabins so I got to get it exchanged.
The comedy show was two comedians. The first one (Gary) was very funny. We both liked him much better than the second one. It’s not funny to make fun of Asian accents or little people no matter where you are. Ironically, he was the younger one.
Then it was back to the cabin for the night this time.
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