Today’s the day we board Symphony of the Seas and the first time we’re leaving for a cruise from our new home base.
Embarkation Morning
Even though we stayed in a hotel last night we did go by the house first to check on Annabelle. She’s staying there while we’re gone and a neighbor will be coming over to take care of her. After topping off the gas tank at Buc-ees. It was right before 6 am when we got on the road to Miami.
Breakfast was at Hardee’s. Greasy but took care of our hunger.
We changed drivers as I’m better in the cities following the GPS. The traffic was bad the last few miles but I got the right exit for the port tunnel. Once we exited it was smooth sailing. The signage was very good and we easily found the parking garage for terminal A. Parked at 10:45 and our check-in window was 10:30 – 11 am.

We dropped our bags with the porter and walked right to front of the line at regular check-in. After going up the escalator, there wasn’t any lines and we walked right up to the check-in person as he finished a couple. After scanning our passports we went to to the x ray machines with maybe one person in front of us.
Then it was upstairs where we had our boarding pass scanned and let through to board the ship. After a quick stop for a boarding photo, we were on at 10:55. Curb to ship in 10 minutes.
We went to Playmakers since it was by our muster station while we waited for it to open and had our first diamond drink.
I made a specialty restaurant reservation and reshuffled a couple of entertainment reservations so we could attend iSkate Friday. Wanted to go to Hooked but all the early times were gone so when with my second favorite, Chops. So we now have plans for every night but 3.
Embarkation Afternoon
Decided to get get lunch at Park Cafe and had the roast beef sandwich.
I had cookies for dessert while steve had the pineapple upside down cake.
Then we toured the ship so Steve could get oriented. The solarium bistro seems much nicer than Harmony’s. At 1 pm we went to our cabin and started settling in.
Our complimentary sodas, waters and cookies were there along with the bottled water I pre-ordered.
We tried to rest a bit but our next door neighbor got to their room and were extremely loud. I later learned they had FOUR kids in the cabin.
At some point our room steward, June, came by and introduced himself. He asked if we had our luggage and when we said no went and found it for us.
After unpacking we needed a snack and hit up Sorrento’s for pizza!
Had a cocktail at Boleros and went to cabin to get ready for dinner.
I had a top I needed to send to laundry (we have limited clothing selection until our pod arrives after we get back) and got it ready for June to pick up.
Embarkation Evening
Enjoyed the view by walking around the ship before going inside for dinner.
By arriving 10 minutes late we avoided the bunch up at the entryway. Only took 30 cruises for me to learn.
We were seated at a table for two one removed from the window so still could see out. We enjoyed meeting and chatting with the couple next us.
Symphony of the Seas is the ship testing the new menus. Tonight was American night.
I started with the tomato soup while Steve had shrimp cocktail.
Then my second appetizer was the crab cake and Steve’s was Caesar salad.
He said the salad dressing had no flavor but I liked both my appetizers. Then I had the fish for entrée but added a corn on the cob from one of the other entrees. The fish could have used more seasoning but was good and quite a large serving.
Steve had prime rib. He said it was a little chewy but had good flavor.
For dessert we decided to share one boston cream pie and one key lime pie.
Both were good!
We headed for Hiro, the aqua theater show and found two seats not quite as close as I’d like but didn’t want to be too far off to the side or in the wet zone.
Had time to order a drink before the show. The show was fantastic; the best one I’d seen yet.
During the evening we heard 2 code alpha announcements and the ship headed back to off Miami to meet a boat for three passengers to be medically evacuated.
One happened at the Hiro show on the other side where a passenger apparently got hurt. After the show I used my last diamond drink on a ginger ale with glass of ice (Steve was out) and we headed to the room for the rest of the evening.
Here is the week’s entertainment schedule. Click the image for the full PDF.
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