Tomorrow morning I’m Denver bound to attend Fitbloggin’ 15! It’s my third time and what I’m most looking forward to is being with a fantastic group of people I only see once a year (or less).
Of course I’ll also get to make some new friends and eat bacon! If you’re at the conference and checking out my blog, here’s my about page.
Food Plan
For the most part, I’m eating pretty healthy. Just with one or two treats every day. The treats might be ice cream or pistachios; it just depends. Here are some of the meals I’ve had recently.
This was a burger from a business trip a couple of weeks ago. I ate all the meat but half the bun and 1/3 of the fries. Delicious! (Dinner that night was a salad with chicken)
A healthy breakfast! The egg white omelet was awesome!
Interestingly the conference served a vegetarian lunch to everyone. The starter was a roasted tomato soup, followed by this salad with roasted vegetables wrap and berries for dessert.
I met Denise for breakfast after working out Saturday morning and had my favorites from Starbucks: nonfat coffee misto and spinach feta wrap.
I have to let you know I do eat at home so here’s a picture of one of the new Nutrisystem meals I tried. It’s the steak with quinoa which was delicious! I also sauteed some squash.
I haven’t weighed myself at all for three weeks and it’s been kind of liberating. I know I’m not gaining much (if at all) because my clothes are fitting fine… even my tightest slacks. 🙂
I needed a break from focusing on weight, counting calories and such. My break ends after 4th of July weekend so there will be future weigh-ins.
Not only did I make it to Kaia Fit for class every 5 am session last week but I also did a double on Saturday. Woo hoo! First time for everything.

I will get in plenty of workouts this week as I usually make it to two a day at Fitbloggin’.
The highlight the past couple of weeks was when Kaia Fit founder, Nikki Warren, attended our 5 am class AND since we had an odd number doing partner workouts she was my partner. Girl Crush!
She was motivating, fun and takes way better selfies than me!
Challenges Ahead
I’m relaxing and not considering these challenges but opportunities. I’m traveling this week and again for the Fourth of July weekend. I’m going to mix healthy eating with splurges. My goal is to get enough movement in to balance the extra food.
How are you doing on your health and wellness journey?
I’ve not heard of FitBlogging before. You guys in the US get all the good stuff, I don’t think we have anything like it here in the UK. Anyway, hope you’re having a great time!