This week’s topic at Weight Watchers was meals in minutes. This is something I know about and I spoke up several times this meeting. Best of all, I got some tips on low-point and low calorie foods to try.
One is low carb tortillas. The XTreme Wellness brand is sold at Walmart and La Tortilla Factory at Von’s (Safeway chain). We also bought Hebrew National fat-free hot dogs for my hot-dog loving hubby; just 45 calories!
Please leave your suggestions in the comments. I’m always looking for new things to try.
I was looking forward to seeing the scale go the right way for a change and wasn’t disappointed at weigh-in Saturday. I was down 1.4 pounds which returned me to the highest loss total in this journey:
29.2 Pounds
I guess I just spent a month practicing maintenance. 🙂
Weekly Movement & Nutrition
I’ve started tracking food and activity in Sparkpeople instead of the online tracker for Weight Watchers. It’s a nice reality check on how many calories I’m eating and the mix of nutrients. I get to see what percentage is carbs versus fat versus protein.
Unfortunately, I am seeing too many of the foods I eat have a lot of added sodium. It’s a battle because I don’t like to cook but frozen foods have so much extra salt!
For exercise, we walked three times last week for a total distance of about 10 miles. Much less than usual and I didn’t attend any fitness classes. But I did earn that award with my Fitbit. That’s the mileage total since February when I bought it. Yes, I think I will walk 500 more!
My plan this week was to try out a couple of classes at a nearby gym. There are two I’m considering joining and my plan is to try their fitness classes before making a decision. That plan is delayed due to a death in the family. I’ll be traveling to Kansas later this week for the funeral and wouldn’t be able to make two classes. This is on the list for next week now.
Challenges Ahead
It’s going to be a real challenge to be around the comfort foods of my youth and choosing wisely let alone at such an emotional time. I am packing as many portable snacks as possible and will hit the grocery store for fresh fruit and veggies when I get into town.
That resistance band exercise DVD will accompany me along with my Swork-it app so if I get exercise in both non-traveling days it will be a big success!
How did your week towards great health go?
I’m so sorry you’ll be going home under sad circumstances and I’ll miss you at the meeting Saturday morning.
About the salt content, I figure that I don’t have any blood pressure issues at this point and if convenient foods help me increase my fitness level & decrease my weight then that’s a trade-off I’ll make for now.
You’ll have to tell me how the fitness classes go. I’m trying to get a few strength-training alternative classes going interspersed with running and cycling, so new options are always welcome.
hang in there, and congratultions. I don’t know if you’ve mentioned these yet, but I love whole wheat sandwich thins. Lots of fiber, only 100 calories. I’m not sure of the points, because of the newer point system. I prefer these to a hamburger bun. I can taste what’s in the “bun,” not just the bun.
Adela, thanks for the suggestion. I will have to try the sandwich thins again.