To build up arm and leg muscles or increase core strength, a lot of people think they need to hit the weights or use free motion machines at the gym. That’s all perfectly reasonable, but, unfortunately, not everyone has the time or inclination to make this fitness pilgrimage regularly.
However, there is a simple and straightforward way of turning your tired, busy body into a fit, healthy one, and that’s by exercising with resistance bands. These strong, thin pieces of rubber with handles on the end use your own body strength and weight against themselves to improve fitness.
What resistance bands will do for you
These fun ways to exercise offer a number of benefits:
Perfect for all fitness levels — Whether you take occasional exercise or are a full-blown fitness fanatic, resistance bands work well for everyone. You can purchase a variety of resistances and it’s very easy to adjust the intensity of workouts.
Easy-to-use — Some people might not know how resistance bands work and have avoided them in the past, but they’re actually really easy to use and can be utilized straight away.
Provide a full-body workout — Resistance bands can, in effect, be used to build-up every major muscle group in your body. Some pieces of equipment are only good for certain exercises, but resistance bands are extremely versatile.
Add variety to your workout — Doing the same old routine day in day out can become boring. Thankfully, resistance bands introduce more variety to your exercise schedule and can challenge muscles you don’t normally use. They can also be used to replace weights for bicep curls or increase the intensity of push-ups.

Tips and tricks for using resistance bands
These terrific pieces of exercise equipment are easy to use, as mentioned, but with these tips and tricks you can get even more out of them:
Focus on your posture — Even though you’ll be working a certain muscle group, you should always maintain good body posture. For most exercises, you’ll need to keep your back straight, shoulders back, head facing forward, knees slightly bent and legs about hip-width apart. If not, you could suffer an injury.
Keep movements under control — With every exercise you do, try to control your movements. Ideally, they should be slow and gentle, softly guiding the resistance bands back into place rather than letting them snap quickly. If you’re struggling to complete a movement or don’t have the bands under control, reduce the resistance or choose a more flexible option.
Ensure your resistance bands are well maintained — It’s important to keep your resistance bands in good condition, as failure to do so could have an impact on the effectiveness of your workout. Remember to store them loosely away from direct sunlight and wash regularly to remove any dirt or sweat.
You may not have thought about using resistance bands previously, but they’ll undoubtedly improve any fitness routine or workout. They’re versatile, easy-to-use and can increase muscle strength all over your body.
Editor’s Note: This post is written by Chrysty Miles. I use resistance bands and agree that it’s a great option for strength training.
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