I got up and joined Steve in the crow’s nest at 6 am when I could get my latte.
Sea Day Morning
We could see England off to our starboard sides as we sailed through the Dover Strait.
Not too long we could see the Cliffs of Dover.
Beautiful even from this distance. Today we have to turn in passports for Irish immigration.
Our floor’s designated time is 9:30-10:30 am. We also have travel agency cocktail party at 4 pm.
We went to the main dining room for breakfast when it opened. Here are today’s specials.
I ordered a Bloody Mary and remembered to say no salt.
It took a long time for our food to arrive. I ordered berries to start. No strawberries. Then I had the special of corn fritters and a poached egg with bacon.
There was supposed to be avocado but maybe it didn’t arrive. No matter it was good. Steve had a ham and cheese omelet and asked for extra ham.
They put it on the side instead of the omelet. Sometimes things get lost in translation. 🙂
I went to the CD’s coffee cha at 9.
Today it was with navigation officers and very interesting. The very young guy in the middle is a cadet. Afterwards, I went up to turn in our passports. When I passed by on my way to the cabin there was a short line. By the time I got back no one was waiting.
Then I went to the 10 am talk on Aurea Borealis.
It was informative but a bit boring.
I stayed for the 11 am talk on Shackleford and the Endurance.
Excellent talk and very interesting!
Sea Day Afternoon
We decided to do the lido for lunch since service is slow in the dining room. Wow! It was crazy busy. We found a table and I had turkey and then curry.
Finished with pie.
Then it’s as nap time. Steve decided to rest up and skip the cocktail party so I went solo at 4 pm. It was a lovely gathering. I love hearing about other people’s travels.
Sea Day Evening
Steve and I met in the Ocean Bar at 5 pm for a predinner drink. Then off to the dining room.

Wahyu had changed the table to seating for four of us. Much more comfortable. I started with the crispy crab roll.
My entree was the chicken paysanne.
Steve had the beef Wellington.
We both enjoyed our meals. I realized afterwards the basket of fries wasn’t delivered with mine but that was fine. I didn’t need them, haha.
My dessert of coconut cream pie was fantastic.
Steve had creme brulee.
Tonight’s entertainment was classical music which we’re not that big on so we skipped it and read in the room. Below is today’s daily program. Click the image for the full PDF.
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