We celebrated our 23rd wedding anniversary last Sunday. Because we have a big trip coming up, we kept it low key with lunch. Other than the company my favorite part was dessert!
The Cheesecake Factory makes the best strawberry shortcake but it’s definitely a dessert for two or more people.
Before lunch the week kicked off with a wonderful pedicure.
My friend, Denise, had taken me to this shop originally and I love it. This is technically the “men’s side” but the chairs are comfier so I try to sit there.
I had an enjoyable lunch with a former coworker at the closest Panera (doesn’t it seem like there are almost as many out there as Starbucks stores?). Then the next day met a work friend for coffee at a close but new to me shop. They made nice designs in their lattes but I forgot to get a pic!
Wednesday brought happy hour at an old favorite, Karl Strauss where I enjoyed house red wine, buffalo chicken and the company of a group of co-workers.
All of this activity but a couple of shopping outings made work at home week go faster than past weeks. The trick is to get out!
Favorite Reads
Here are a few of my favorite blog posts this past week.
Travel with Nano B. shares 10 ways to handle travel challenges like a pro. I would add to her tip about lost luggage to take a photo of your checked bags. This helps when trying to describe it.
As a fellow resident, I related to the 10 things My Retirement Project loves about living in California. I even learned that my state has the most national parks.
Money Beagle isn’t working from home full-time like me, but still has experienced many of the same pros and cons of working from home.
Ever wonder how much money you spend at Amazon? Instead of going through all those email receipts, learn how to calculate your total Amazon spending from ThinkSaveRetire. I used it to learn that I spent $1,721 last year which was less than I thought.
Looking Ahead

My youngest son is taking me to a Padres game today. Spending time with me is the best gift of all! The other son has already sent a present as he’s too far for a visit. We’ll see each other in July.
Happy Mother’s Day to all moms!
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