This week the world lost the great Aretha Franklin. Not only was she influential in music with her blend of gospel and R&B but a civil rights activist during the turbulent 60’s. Goodbye, Queen of Soul, you will not be forgotten.
Although Respect was my favorite of her many hits, here’s my favorite scene in The Blues Brothers movie featuring her.
Travel this past week took me to sister states New York and New Jersey. No time for sightseeing as a co-worker and I visited three customers in two days. It went well but I’m sure glad I live in the less crowded West; so much traffic there!
We spent one night in Atlantic City where I didn’t take advantage of the locale or beach.
All I got was this picture from the hotel.
We had a couple of weekend events planned with family but both got cancelled due to things coming up (visitors, etc.) so it turned out to be a good weekend for chores.
Favorite Reads
Here are a few of my favorite blog posts this week.
Surviving and Thriving shares that average salaries haven’t gone up much in 40 years! I’m not surprised with this news and the tax cut for the wealthy isn’t helping us.
I like to take pictures of interesting restroom doors (you’ll see a couple when I publish my Santorini recap) and Friend for the Ride is back with part 45 of the ladies room door art series.
Tieland to Thailand takes us to a day at an elephant sanctuary. What wonderful animals!
These five food documentaries worth watching are discussed at Hip2Keto. Most of these are available on Netflix or Amazon Prime.
Sightings over 60 brings us the 10 commandments of retirement. I agree with all except “do not retire too early”. There are lots of exceptions to this rule.
Looking Ahead
I’ll be traveling to North Carolina this week for a user conference and then ending the week at my son’s engagement party. We’re really looking forward to the celebration. What’s coming up this week for you?
Thanks so much for the ladies room door shout out! If you want to send your Greece ones my way at any time, I’d love to share.