It’s been over a month since my last weekly tales post and I’ve been on the go, go, go so there’s lots to catch up on. After returning from New Orleans I had a business trip to South Dakota, Thanksgiving vacation (cruise) and then a business trip to St. Louis where I came back and promptly got sick.
The following week included a trip to North Carolina followed by two wonderful weeks at home where I’ve been preparing for Christmas like crazy.
The highlight of all of the activity was the Thanksgiving week cruise with our youngest son and his fiancee. I”ll be recapping each day in the coming weeks but the weather was perfect, the ship was beautiful and a great time was had by all.
The next week my book club had the first holiday party and I loved this centerpiece at the table.
One of the members hosted and she gifted each of us a book club themed wine tumbler.
We dogsat our grand-dog, Stella for a few days including while her parents moved.
She’s a almost 60 pound puppy with loads of energy. What could go wrong? Ask my carpet. 🙂 But she has been put in her place by the cats and steers clear of them. Speaking of the cats…
Buster’s kidney disease is worsening and he’s not eating much these past few days. We’ve found Tuna entices him still so that’s what he’s getting. We’re blessed to have had 15 1/2 years with this guy and are savoring every day left.
Favorite Reads
Here are a few of my favorite blog posts recently published.
The Walking Tourists spent time celebrating the holidays in Abilene, Kansas. My mom was from Abilene and I even lived there a short spell and never saw the Seelye Mansion decorations.
For the travelers in your life here’s a list from Adventures with Sarah of travel stocking stuffer ideas for your last minute shopping.
Frugal Workshop advises people to use it up, wear it out, made it do or do without. Classic ideas that need to be introduced to us again.
Before leaving home on your next cruise (or other vacation) Cruise Radio has a list of 7 things to double check on cruise day.
Low Carb with Jennifer has a keto sausage balls recipe that would be great for any gathering.
Thinking ahead to 2019? Don’t do these 17 unique ways to screw up your year from Think, Save, Retire.
Looking Ahead
Tonight we’re having a early Christmas dinner with my YS and SF; he’s working Christmas Day at the fire station. I’m cooking a turkey! Monday we’re having lunch with dear friends and nothing much other than baking some cookies.
Tuesday we have tickets to the morning showing of AquaMan and then go to my in-laws for dinner that evening. Then I’m back to work Wednesday! We’re looking forward to enjoying time with our loved ones.
Happy Holidays to you and yours!
Just reading your schedule makes me tired – glad you get a brief respite for the holiday. Looking forward to seeing you two today – that place is one of our faves!
Yes, I’m so happy about the travel break; no wonder I got a bad cold! See you soon!