How was your Christmas? We enjoyed the long holiday weekend with two special dinners and a few outings.
My son was working Christmas Eve and day so we had an early dinner with him and his fiancee Sunday evening.
We exchanged gifts and it seems Stella liked hers. More about my gift in my weekly Keto update tomorrow.
Monday we had lunch with friends at a new to us place, Cowboy Chicken, which specializes in rotisserie chicken. It was wonderful seeing them and catching up.
On Christmas Day we had morning tickets to see Aquaman at our favorite theatre where it looked like every seat was taken. We both enjoyed the film. In the late afternoon we headed over to my in-laws for dinner.

We took appetizers (cheese, salami, olives and veggie platter) and some keto cookies I baked the day before. We were happily surprised to see our nephew there; he moved to Maui last year and we didn’t know he’d be home.
Favorite Reads
Here are a few of my favorite blog posts recently published.
The Points Guy shares 6 passport mistakes that could leave you stranded. A second post on the same site advises how to handle passport emergencies during the government shutdown.
There is a lot of false information out there about keto. debunks 5 myths about the ketogenic diet.
Low Carb with Jennifer has a Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole recipe that looks company good. It’s on my list for a future menu.
Have more time than money? Nomadic Matt discusses how to become a housesitter and never pay for accommodations.
Looking Ahead
We’re going out to dinner New Year’s Eve and will ring in 2019 when the ball drops in New York. Later in the week I have my book club meeting and even though I won’t have read the book (I’m on the library waiting list), I enjoy the people too much to miss it.
Hope you had a great week and a wonderful New Year!
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