This past week was very busy and not just with the conference I was at Sunday through Wednesday. At times I felt like the week required a superhero to survive (like the lovely stress toy above) but I did it.
There’s a lot to tell!
So many highlights this week I’m putting them in subtitles.
The biggest news this week for my family is the arrival of a new granddaughter. She wasn’t due until next week but we’re happy to get to meet her sooner. This edition is named after her; yes she is Ember and her big brother adores here as do her parents and all the grandparents!

Then I am combining a business trip to the South with a trip to see my grandson in Memphis and flew in yesterday. He even let me kiss him this time; turning 9 has been a good thing. 🙂

Outside of work specific highlights, what I most enjoyed was spending time with co-workers I don’t get to see often since they’re not based in San Diego. We also had the opportunity to dine with customers several times and it was great to connect in person.
The first night home (out of two) I had book club and really enjoyed time with this group; a couple I can call friends. Then I actually had dinner at home Friday night before flying out early Saturday.
Favorite Reads
Here are a few of my favorite blog posts around the web this week.
Adventures of the New Old Farts discusses that divorce rates plummet as millennials marry. First of all, love the blog name and second, thank goodness our children have figured out how to make marriages work; maybe they’re not as selfish as boomers?
This week’s favorite recipe is low carb chicken casserole from Kasey Trenum. I love casseroles and fall is the perfect time to make them.
Destinations, Detours and Dreams shares the art, charm and history in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. I was last there about 10 years ago for my niece’s wedding. I want to go back after reading more about this historic city.
Looking for unique restaurants and hotels? Check out this list of 12 aircraft you can sleep or dine in from The Points Guy.
Diet Doctor reveals The Truth About Salt. If you think it must be avoided, think again and read this article.
Looking Ahead
This week is a busy one traveling and I’ll be at three customer sites Tuesday through Friday. It’ll be busy, productive and I hope fun. How’s your week?
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