The first week of four with business travel is in the books. This one was the most complex as I had to fly from one city to another the second day. It was a great week but I was surprised how tired I was yesterday.
My favorite part of the week was seeing others on my work team that are spread around the country and I get to see in person just 2-3 times a year. A second highlight was St. Louis barbeque!

After that was the San Diego office summer picnic which was held at the Del Mar Racetrack. It’s the first time at this venue for our picnic and the first time I’ve ever been there despite living here for decades.
There’s an infield pavilion where a lot of groups were having events. It was family fun day there so people with small children enjoyed that area. The juggler on stilts was walking around in a common area.
I have mixed feelings about horse racing but enjoyed seeing my first one. My husband placed a couple of small bets which made the race more exciting. It was also great to see people I haven’t seen in months while our permanent office is being built out.
Our last highlight of the week, or at least my husband’s, was watching the granddog for a couple of days. He was wore out after she left!
Favorite Reads
Here are a few of my favorite blog reads the past week.
Hole in the Donut Cultural Travels asks if Mykonos, Greece is overrated. From her pictures and my day there recently (the recap is later this week), I’d say a big no!
Learn how to declutter big spaces from Becoming Minimalist. My favorite tip is to clean out the big items out first.
Chief Mom Officer is back with 15 ways improving wealth and health are the same. Essential to me is the advice to track everything.
This past week I had a lot of people give me blank looks when I explained I was eating a ketogenic diet. Convenient Keto shares the differences in Keto Diet versus Atkins diet.
My Itchy Travel Feet has inspired me to give camping another go (but not on the ground) with this recap of glamping at Bear Lake, Utah.
Looking Ahead
This coming week I’m on a three day trip to New York and New Jersey. I’m looking forward to traveling with a co-worker I haven’t spent much time with and getting to know him better as well as great customer meetings. Hope you have an awesome week!
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